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Planting the Global Field

This weekend, we will have a little garden party and are inviting anyone who is interested to come help plant seeds for the 2000m² field in Berlin. We will be planting wheat, barley, oats, carrots, turnips, Jerusalem artichockes, potatoes and onions. There will be coffee and …


Plowing the field

This week we plowed our 2000m² field in Berlin. Well… actually we got help from our neighbor Peter who came over with his plow and tractor and did it the way it should be done. Unfortunately, the 100 year old walnut tree by the field hadn’t …


Töpfer & Shiva plant veggies in Berlin

Planting vegetables in October – on a sidewalk in the Centre of Berlin :-) To launch the 2nd Global Soil Week (27-31 October 2013), IASS Executive Director Professor Klaus Töpfer and environmental activist Vandana Shiva broke up sealed soil at Potsdamer Platz and planted it with …


Global Soil Week in Berlin

27-31 October 2013 the 2nd “Global Soil Week” will bring together scientists, decision makers and activists from around the world on the topic of “losing ground”. Conservative estimates state that we are losing 24 billion tons of fertile soil each year. What does “losing ground” imply for …


Auf nach Wietze

Nach den erfolgreichen „Wir haben es satt!“- Demonstrationen in Berlin im Januar steht nun unsere erste große Sommeraktion bevor. Vor den Bundestagswahlen wollen wir die „Wir haben es satt!“-Bewegung an einen Brennpunkt der Agrarindustrie bringen: an den größten Geflügelschlachthof Europas in Wietze/Niedersachsen, in dem 430.000 Hühner täglich geschlachtet werden sollen.
