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September event: Produce your own Seeds!
Heat wave impacts legume yields in India
Global Bean partners: Nikos Dompazis
Meet the Global Bean partners: Donal Murphy-Bokern
The protein choices we make determine so much of how the food system impacts on our health and the planet. At the moment, I am the scientific coordinator of the EU-funded Legumes Translated consortium. I am also a member of the EcoXtract consortium that is developing a new plant-based solvent for the food industry.
April Monthly meeting: Intercropping
Intercropping, other than crop rotation, means planting and harvesting more than one plant at a time: onions go with strawberries, lentils need a pillar to climb on, such as barley, the famous three sisters of the maize, bean and pumpkin Milpa are another example and even permaculture is just highly diversified intercropping.
Meet the Global Bean partners: Lopamudra Sahu
War in Ukraine and the Food Crisis: A Search for Demand-Side Action
2000 Kvadratmeter in Sweden
New Delhi: 1200m² in India
With great pleasure we welcome another partner in the circle of global fields around the world: Edible Routes Foundation (ERF) in Delhi, India. Edible Routes Foundation (ERF) works at the intersection of ecological restoration and community development through regenerating landscapes, developing knowledge of local native species, …
A visit from Beijing
Eminent visitors on the weekend: Professors Li Yue and Dong Hongmin (surname before first name is the rule in China) from the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences in Beijing completed their four-day study trip on climate and agriculture organized by the German-Chinese Agricultural Center after visits …