The Global Bean Project
The “Global Bean Project” aims to raise awareness of the many benefits of pulses and, as an international network, to increase their cultivation and consumption worldwide. Founded in 2021 by the Foundation on Future Agriculture, the diverse network now comprises almost one hundred partner organizations from all over the world and thus countless experts and bean enthusiasts who are passionate about pulses.
Pulses are a protein-rich food source for humans that is far healthier, more sustainable and in most cases also cheaper than animal protein. Beans, peas, lentils and the like can be made into many delicious and nutritious meals and are an integral part of many regional culinary traditions. In addition, legumes have natural soil-improving properties: they can fix nitrogen in the soil and help reduce dependence on artificial mineral fertilizers, resulting in fewer negative impacts on ecosystems and human health. Pulses therefore play a decisive role in the necessary conversion of global food systems and in the fight against climate change.
With specialist knowledge, publications and online events, the Global Bean Project promotes the cultivation and consumption of pulses and makes the benefits of pulses known to a wide audience.