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Kenya: 2000m² in Gilgil

2000m2 kenya

Salome Wambui and Peter Maina show us 2000m² of arable land on their farm nearby Gilgil in Rift Valley, Kenya. The two small-scale farmers are very experienced and grow the crops on their field mainly for their own use. Still, Salome Wambui and Peter Maina are able to generate a moderate income by the surplus produce.

The farm is the family’s homestead, animal grazing and fodder growing area. They grow traditional and special variety vegetables such as amaranth, black nightshade, pumpkin, comfrey, spider weed, spinach, cabbages, tomatoes, coriander and kales. The farm land also has some sweet potatoes, Irish potatoes, maize, bananas, avocado tree, beans and peas. The climate in Rift Valley usually changes from cool to warm with a rain season. The soil on the new 2000m² field is a mixture of red volcanic ground and loam black cotton soils.

The local Seed Savers Network offers training for small-scale farmers in the area and provides the infrastructure to report directly from the new 2000m² field.

Live chat: Berlin and Gilgil

In the beginning of this week we finally made our live call! The students of the St Ann School in Gilgil and their partner school in Berlin-Neukölln were able to exchange ideas in real time! Until now they had only seen pictures and videos of each …

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Additional 2000 m² Fields in Kenya

02.02.18 Background information Last year our organization shared our plans to establish more 2000m2 in Kenya to serve as training centers for farmers. These will be in addition to Maina’s family field which we have been reporting on. In October 2017, we selected and briefed farmer …

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2000 square meters in Kenya

The 2000m² idea keeps growing all around the world. These days, we’re welcoming our newest member in the community: Salome Wambui and Peter Maina are just about to set up a 2000m² on their farm nearby Gilgil in Rift Valley, Kenya. The two small-scale farmers are …

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