2000 Quadratmeter
If we divide the total global area of arable land by the number of human beings on this planet, we get 2000m2 per person. It’s incredible what can be grown on that: tonnes of vegetables, potatoes or grain. But who can eat all that? Even more incredible: we in Europe cannot currently make ends meet with the available land as we consume and waste more than can be produced on it.
On this website we want to take a look at our 2000m2 together. We want to find out what needs to be done so that we can grow enough to provide for all human beings, animals and plants that live from this land.
We are looking for answers to many questions and for practical solutions. Our field has gotten out of control! We need to change this. We can each do plenty on our own, once we understand. Many other changes we can only achieve together.
„Good Food – Good Farming“ is the campaign slogan of the Agricultural and Rural Convention (ARC2020) a broad alliance of farmers and environmental, consumer, animal welfare, and development organisations in Europe. ARC2020 is calling for a fundamental shift in our European agricultural and rural development policy to foster sustainable production and consumption of food, as well as rural renaissance. Your participation is very welcome!