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Internationale Partnerschaften

Nicht nur in Berlin gibt es  das Weltacker-Projekt, sondern auf der ganzen Welt tun Menschen sich zusammen und zeigen, was man mit 2000 m² Ackerfläche alles so anstellen kann. Werfen Sie doch einen Blick auf die verschiedenen Partnerschaften, die seit 2013 entstanden sind!

Die Projekte:

Attiswill, Schweiz Berlin, Deutschland Gilgil, Kenya Heinigou, China Istanbul, Türkei Kalele, D.R. Kongo Liechtenstein Luxemburg New Delhi, Indien Nuglar, Schweiz Quily, Frankreich Rothenklempenow, Deutschland Überlingen, DeutschlandWhitmuir, Schottland Ytterjarna, SchwedenLandshut,Deutschland

Neuigkeiten aus der ganzen Welt:

Planting the Global Field

This weekend, we will have a little garden party and are inviting anyone who is interested to come help plant seeds for the 2000m² field in Berlin. We will be planting wheat, barley, oats, carrots, turnips, Jerusalem artichockes, potatoes and onions. There will be coffee and …


Population Boom!

Documentary film ‘Population Boom’ playing in theatres now A well-known nightmarish vision of the future: The Earth’s population reaches seven billion. Dwindling resources, mountains of toxic waste, hunger and climate change-the results of overpopulation? Who says that the world’s overpopulated? And who’s one too many? After the …


Plowing the field

This week we plowed our 2000m² field in Berlin. Well… actually we got help from our neighbor Peter who came over with his plow and tractor and did it the way it should be done. Unfortunately, the 100 year old walnut tree by the field hadn’t …


Pinar Yoldas: An Ecosystem of Excess

From primordial soup to plastic soup, in “An Ecosystem of Excess” Pinar Yoldas asks a very simple question: “If life started today in our plastic debris filled oceans, what kinds of life forms would emerge out of this contemporary primordial ooze?“ With An Ecosystem of Excess, …


The EU Seed Market Myth

According to a new report compiled by The Greens, the EU seed market seriously lacks diversity. Each year, there is more concentration than the last. However, seed lobbyists claim that there are currently 7000 small and medium-sized seed companies in the EU. Article by Attila Szocs …


China’s need for feed

Discover this: IATP’s Global Meat Complex: The China Series looks in depth at China’s feed, pork, poultry and dairy sectors, the past and future trajectory of the industry, and global impacts of China’s efforts to balance grain self-sufficiency and the desire to provide cheap meat. China’s …
